Agency Name Beautiful Day Foundation
Categories Education,Medical & Wellness,Women
Contact Name Abegail Zelznick
Agency Email
Agency Address

PO Box 1502 Torrance, CA 90505

Agency Phone 866-251-1771
Web Address
Office Hours
Distance from Campus ~360 miles
Nearest Bus Lines
Mission Statement The Beautiful Day Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and providing breast cancer education to young women across the globe. We bring professionals who know and people who care together to provide the information and support that young women need to fight this disease with courage and strength. We're a fresh voice helping young women with breast cancer face every new day's challenges with grace, humor, and style. And we're building an energetic community dedicated to helping young women and their loved ones turn today- each day - every day into a beautiful day.
Volunteer Duties Campus Events & Health Fairs Under the supervision of our Health Educator, volunteers will help the team set up, clean up, and “staff the booth” at various campus events and health fairs in which the Beautiful Day Foundation (BDF) participates. Volunteers will help expand BDFs outreach efforts to young women on breast cancer awareness and education as well as learn how to properly perform a breast self exam. 

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Notes Updated 12/1/2017